Refund & Cancellations Policy
If you wish to cancel your order, please contact our Customer Services As we try to process orders immediately it may not always be possible to prevent an order from being dispatched. If your order has already been dispatched you may return the items to us in accordance with our Returns Policy (below).
Please note that once we have dispatched items to you, you will not be able to cancel any contract you have with us for additional services carried out by us (e.g. gift wrapping, packaging and shipping). As soon as we receive notice of your cancellation of an item we will refund the relevant part of the purchase price for that item. When an item is shipped and an order is cancelled, shipping fees are non-refundable.
Please allow for up to 45 days for the refund transfer to be completed
Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.
Incorrect Items
If we have sent you an incorrect item, please notify our Customer Services as soon as possible and they will arrange pickup. If you would like us to replace the incorrect item with the item you ordered we will send you the correct item as soon as possible.
We will be responsible for any losses you suffer as a direct result of us breaching these On-line Shopping Terms and Conditions if those losses were reasonably foreseeable to both you and us at the time the contract for the sale of items by us to you was formed (i.e. at the point we sent the Dispatch Confirmation E-mail to you). We will not be responsible to you or any third party for any business loss (including loss of revenue, profits, contracts, anticipated savings, wasted expenditure, data or goodwill) or any other loss or damage which does not result directly from our actions or the actions of our sub-contractors or agents, is consequential or was not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when the contract between us was formed.
Our liability to you under these On-Line Shopping Terms and Conditions will not exceed the total price charged for the items purchased. Nothing in these On-line Shopping Terms and Conditions excludes our liability to you for personal injury or death caused by our negligence.
We will not be responsible to you for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these On-line Shopping Terms and Conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause beyond our reasonable control.