Unfailing Love Bouquet

299,00 AED

Last Sold  1 sold in last 16 hours

Your local florist can be a great resource to help you send the right message with your bouquet, An obvious sign of love, femininity, and beauty, pink also symbolizes happiness, grace, joy, and gentleness. Gift as a gesture of affection, romance, or a show of appreciation. The delicate sister to purple, lavender portrays grace, elegance, preciousness, youth, and refinement. Lavender flowers are perfect for someone that is in need of downtime and relaxation.

4 pcs lavender matthiola, 4 stems pink lisianthus, 6 pcs pink roses, 6 pcs purple roses, 3 stems purple baby rose, 3 stems pink baby rose, eucalyptus greenery 4pc.


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