12 Yellow Roses Bouqet 129,00 AED
Yellow roses, which symbolize friendship, are the perfect gift to show you care. This bouquet contains 12 yellow roses and fresh foliage in a white paper wrapping. Yellow Roses will make a beautiful birthday or just because gift for that special friend.
12 Long Stem Red Roses 149,00 AED
18 White Roses Bouquet 169,00 AED
2 Cut White Phalanopsis Orchids 189,00 AED
Pick Me Bouquet 199,00 AED
Pink flowers represent grace, gentility, and happiness. Regardless of the shape of the flower – from the tight, small buds of a pink garden rose to the delicate, open petals of a pink roses in full bloom – pink blossoms convey youth, innocence, and joy.
6 stems pink rose, 6 stems white rose, 3 stems pink baby rose, 3 stems white baby rose, 3 stems pink waxflower
Happiness and Joy Bouquet 199,00 AED
When you combine light pink and white roses into one bouquet, they represent happiness and joy, with the white flowers radiating the purity of intention.
10 pcs white rose, 6 pcs pink rose, 5 stems pink alstromeria
2 Cut Pink Cymbidium Orchids 199,00 AED
2 Green Cut Cymbidium Orchids 199,00 AED
2 Yellow Cut Cymbidium Orchids 199,00 AED
24 Long Stem Red Roses 229,00 AED
24 Pink Roses in a Glass Vase 229,00 AED
Pink Lilly Bouquet 240,00 AEDPink lilies stand for love, femininity and admiration. So they’re the perfect gift for your favourite female friends and family members when they need a little confidence boost or pick-me-up.8 stems pink lillies
Over Flowing Grace Bouquet 240,00 AED
Purple flowers have an enchanted, other worldly quality to them. Their soft color gently pulses with mystery. Purple flowers symbolize charm, grace, elegance,
blue symbolizes serenity, peace, and openness. Ease someone who is worrisome, diffuse anxiety, or give to someone who hopes to find peace and clarity.
2 pcs blue hydrengea, 3 pcs purple gerberra daisy, 2 pcs green anturium, 4 pcs yellow roses, 4 pcs dark pink roses, 3 stems purple lisianthus, 4 itallian rucos
Full of Grace Bouquet 250,00 AED
Pink mixed flowers stand for love, femininity and admiration. So they’re the perfect gift for your favourite female friends and family members specially for you’re Mom, when they need a little confidence boost or pick-me-up. Pink Flowers obvious sign of love, femininity, and beauty, pink also symbolizes happiness, grace, joy, and gentleness. Gift as a gesture of affection, romance, or a show of appreciation.
3 pcs pink hydrengea, 6 pcs pink roses, 4 stems pink lisianthus, 4 stems pink baby rose, 3 serena greenery eucalyptus
Unlimited Grace Bouquet 259,00 AED
Purple roses An enchanting purple rose is also known as the “mystical rose.” This rose gives off special meanings like royalty and majesty. A deep purple rose is perfect when you want to show someone you look up to them,
5 stems matthiola, 8 stems purple roses, 4 stems purple lisianthus, greenery italian ruscos
Unfailing Love Bouquet 299,00 AED
Your local florist can be a great resource to help you send the right message with your bouquet, An obvious sign of love, femininity, and beauty, pink also symbolizes happiness, grace, joy, and gentleness. Gift as a gesture of affection, romance, or a show of appreciation. The delicate sister to purple, lavender portrays grace, elegance, preciousness, youth, and refinement. Lavender flowers are perfect for someone that is in need of downtime and relaxation.
4 pcs lavender matthiola, 4 stems pink lisianthus, 6 pcs pink roses, 6 pcs purple roses, 3 stems purple baby rose, 3 stems pink baby rose, eucalyptus greenery 4pc.
Unconditional Love Bouquet 299,00 AED
An obvious sign of love, femininity, and beauty, pink also symbolizes happiness, grace, joy, and gentleness. Gift as a gesture of affection, romance, or a show of appreciation.
3 pcs pink hydrengea, 4 pcs pink matthiola, 5 stems light pink baby rose, 5 stems dark pink baby rose,
Stargazer Lilly Bouquet 299,00 AED
The stargazer lilies are young, bold, beautiful, and dramatic. The meaning of these fragrant flowers can be one of wealth and prosperity, but their white variety can dress down to genuinely express purity and sympathy.
40 pcs blooms of lilies with purple limunium